Chapter 20: External Causes of Morbidity (V00-Y99). The external causes of morbidity codes should never be sequenced as the first-listed or principal diagnosis. External cause codes are intended to provide data for injury research and evaluation of injury prevention strategies. These codes capture...
CM coding (e.g., poisoning and suffocations are now captured via diagnosis codes only), new coding guidelines (e.g., requiring coding of injury intent as "accidental" if it is unknown or unspecified), and CDC proposed external-cause-of-injury code groupings by injury intent and mechanism....
(g) HIV Infection in Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium During pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium, a patient admitted (or presenting for a health care encounter) because of an HIV-related illness should receive a principal diagnosis code of 647.6X, Other ICD-9-CM Official Guidelines ...