The last approach to represent ICD-10 in OWL was developed in [19]. In this study, an ontology was created based on two super-classes, the icd10:Entry and the icd10:Modifier which contain ICD-10 codes from the WHO and the German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information (German...
the potential willingness of countries to adopt this new version, the European Commission Expert Group on Rare Diseases adopted in November 2014 a recommendation for health care coding systems to consider using ORPHA codes in addition to ICD10 codes for rare diseases having no specific ICD10 codes...
the effort carried out by Orphanet to cross-reference Orpha codes with ICD10 codes, starting from the Orphanet list of rare clinical entities defined as a clinically unique, dis- tinct entity, whatever the number and nature of the causes, and following the European definition for rarity, i.e...
C. 18.d.4. for information regarding V codes for genetic susceptibility to cancer. a. Treatment directed at the malignancy If the treatment is directed at the malignancy, designate the malignancy as the principal diagnosis. b. Treatment of secondary site When a patient is admitted because of ...
Morbidity groups were attributed independently to all insured inpatients from coded diagnoses (Table 3, ICD-10 column) and dispensed drugs (Table 3, ATC codes). Table 3 Description of morbidity groups Full size table The studied population included 108,915 insured enrollees followed throughout ...
2007 ICD9CM Updates Presented by Jo Ann Steigerwald Medical Business Specialists and Charlotte Price, RHIA, CCSP, CPC Th,人人文库,
the potential willingness of countries to adopt this new version, the European Commission Expert Group on Rare Diseases adopted in November 2014 a recommendation for health care coding systems to consider using ORPHA codes in addition to ICD10 codes for rare diseases having no specific ICD10 codes...