PDCA循环管理模式对提高病案ICD-10编码 准确率的影响探究 杨成明,马兴龙 遵义市第一人民医院病案管理科,贵州遵义 563000 [摘要] 目的探究PDCA循环管理模式对提高病案ICD-10编码准确率的影响。方法随机抽取遵义市第一人民医院编码管理人员作为研究对象,在常规管理开展期间(2019年11月—2020年11月)抽取9名编码管理...
ICD-9 code 790.93 and ICD-10 code R07.2 indicate an elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA). A PSA level is considered elevated when determined as elevated by the attending urologist not only by the determined level itself. For example, an elevation of PSA above four may or may not ...
C-MAC RR10-1-1-120-20K 1000-20000RPM TACHOMETER 1-10SEC CMC 402CNSP0S57 Permanent Magnet Servo Motor CMC 540D29216 SERVOMATE DC SERVO DRIVE 160V DC 24A AMP R13238 CMC A5174-44 A6826-1 Board CMC A5250-3-10210 PC Board CMC A5383-2 MPC Mother Board CMC Cleveland Motion Controls PM...
uwceetuhseeptahtechceanrteraoifdroemxttrhaectbioonunaldgaorryitahnmd, welihmicihnactaenthaecscmouanlltcflaosrtitchsepcoatslc.uTlhaeticoonnvspoeluetdioannkderpnoeslistiizoenuascecduirnacoyu.r eFticrhsti,nwg oepuesreatitohne Cisa3n×ny3,[t3h2e] naulgmorbiethr mof tioteeraxttiroancts tihs ...