; run; *Regrouping ICD codes into main groups on WHO website here https://icd.who.int/browse10/2016/en; Data recode_ICD; set ICD10; if New_code=' ' then Regroup=' '; else if New_code in ('Intestinal_infection','TB','Zoonotic','Other_bacterial','STI','Spirochaetal','Viral...
Intestinal infections due to other organisms 0085 Y Bacterial enteritis, unspecified 1 2001年ICD-9-CM疾病碼一覽表 ICD- 是否有效碼 英文名稱 code 0086 N ● *Enteritis due to specified virus 00861 Y Enteritis due to Rotavirus 00862 Y Enteritis due to Adenovirus 00863 Y Enteritis due to Norwalk ...
code with a character length from three to five. library(tidyverse) library(icd) theme_set(theme_light()) # Level 1-3 icd9cm_hierarchy %>% select(chapter, sub_chapter, major, three_digit ) %>% head(10) ## chapter sub_chapter ## 1 Infectious And Parasitic Diseases Intestinal Infectiou...
For e.g. I used this syntax and tried to create another variable 'Regroup' from old variable 'New_code' in the next data step, 'Regroup prints out blank. *indexing IDC-10 codes/grouping them in main categories; proc format; value $ICD 'A000'-'A099'='Intestinal_infection' 'A150'-...