• A198 (ICD-10) - Other miliary tuberculosis Example: Fractures of the skull coded in ICD-9, contain considerably more detail per code than similar codes in ICD-10. • 80024 (ICD-9) - Closed fracture of vault of skull with subarachnoid, subdural, and ...
10. 剥开控制电缆屏蔽层,将铜屏蔽层绕成辫状线. 11. 控制电缆走线穿过线卡子并拧紧卡子. 12. 将数字和模拟信号电缆的辫状屏蔽层连接至 X1-1 上, 这是 I/O 专用屏蔽端子 ( 仅在传动侧接地). 13. 将通讯电缆的辫状屏蔽层连接到 X1-28 或 X1-32 上, 这是 RS485 专用的屏蔽端子 ( 仅在传动侧接地...