Since 2015, ICD-10-Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) has gradually replaced ICD-9-CM as the reimbursement code [19]; however, for a long time, the predominant coding scheme in many EHR/EMR databases was ICD-9-CM [5]. Thus, it is important to study the mapping status between MedDRA ...
Since 2015, ICD-10-Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) has gradually replaced ICD-9-CM as the reimbursement code [19]; however, for a long time, the predominant coding scheme in many EHR/EMR data- bases was ICD-9-CM [5]. Thus, it is important to study the mapping status between Med...
2022, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW Type sample size resolution total change instances training sets verification sets test sets Value 256 × 256 0.2 m 2421 4960 1417 709 11 of 20 (a) (b) (c) FFiigguurree 66.. TTwwoo--pphhaasseeimimaaggeessananddchcahnagnegeinifnofromrmataiotinonofotfhteh...