A patient may be admitted with one type of pneumonia (e.g., code J13, Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumonia) and subsequently develop VAP. In this instance, the principal diagnosis would be the appropriate code from categories J12- J18 for pneumonia diagnosed at the time of admiss...
Pre and post-coordination are similar to the ICD-10 process of assigning a single code for a condition or by combining codes, for example when adding infectious organism codes in categories B95-B98 to the site of an infection. By combining codes the classification can address a large number ...
Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia Streptococcus pneumoniae was ormerly known as Diplococcus pneumonia and is re erred to as pneumococcus. It is the most common cause o community acquired pneumonia and should be assigned code 481, Pneumococcal pneumonia. (See Coding Clinic, rst quarter 1988, pag...