In 2019, their are lot of revised ICD 10 codes. Their are around 143 ICD 10 codes with new description. These revised codes are to be effective from 1st october 2018. Also we have279 new ICD 10 codesafterdeleting 51 ICD 10 codes. So, lot of changes for their for medical coders, henc...
(and)」则表示牵涉到二个位置或二者中任一个位置Theprincipleofmultiplecodingofinjuriesshouldbefollowedwhereverpossible.Combinationcategoriesformultipleinjuriesareprovidedforusewhenthereisinsufficientdetailastothenatureoftheindividualconditions,orforprimarytabulationpurposeswhenitismoreconvenient to record a single code; ...