Postoperative complication: NE81.21 / MG51.00 / PK80.91 / PL11.Z & XA0NH8 & XK8G & XY3B & XY7V Extension codes contribute to an enhanced level of detail. From the clinical perspective, a distinct anatomical location of both, operation site and postoperative wound infection, and the spec...
ICD-9-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting Effective November 15, 2006 Narrative changes appear in bold text Items underlined have been moved within the guidelines since December 2005 The guidelines include the updated V Code Table The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and...
Postoperative complication: NE81.21 / MG51.00 / PK80.91 / PL11.Z & XA0NH8 & XK8G & XY3B & XY7V Extension codes contribute to an enhanced level of detail. From the clinical perspective, a distinct anatomical location of both, operation site and postoperative wound infection, and the specif...
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For the first time, using the classification, it is possible to trace the dynamics of the course of the wound process after lower-limb amputation at different levels. The proposed codes reflect all levels of amputation: toes, feet, shins, and thighs. In defining the code, we emphasise the ...