myelopathy 6 months after a fall,failed to recover neurologically after the first spine surgery ...
For N94.6, the Alphabetic Index main term dysmenohrrhea. Hypertensive heart disease, with congestive heart failure. ICD-10-CM Code(s): I11.0, I50.9 When reporting hypertensive chronic kidney disease, an additional code to report the type of chronic kidney disease is not required. False A ...
10. Interventional studies to enhance coding quality: This research might include, for example, randomised controlled trials or pre-post studies to determine the effectiveness of educational or system interventions aimed at improving coding quality. 11. Value of diagnosis type coding: Some countries...
(ICD-9;World Health Organization, 1977) for years 1997 and 1998 and International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10;World Health Organization, 1992) for years 1999–2005. A separate code for fumigants is not available in ICD-10, and fumigant-related deaths after 1998 are ...