This block contains a wide variety of disorders that differ in severity and clinical form but that are all attributable to the use of one or more psychoactive substances, which may or may not have been medically prescribed. The third character of the code identifies the substance involved, and ...
stress-relatedandsomatoformdisorders Behaviouralsyndromesassociatedwithphysiological disturbancesandphysicalfactors Disordersofadultpersonalityandbehaviour Mentalretardation Disordersofpsychologicaldevelopment Behaviouralandemotionaldisorderswithonsetusually occurringinchildhoodandadolescence Unspecifiedmentaldisorder ChapterV Mentaland...
Disorders of adult personality and behaviour Mental retardation Disorders of psychological development Behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence Unspecified mental disorder Chapter V Mental and behaviouraldisorders ...
in spirit, the changes from the DSM-IV to the DSM-5 [5]. First, the ICD-10 does not have a specific grouping for neurodevelopmental disorders and uses slightly different terminology for the specific conditions that have been included within it —‘mental retardation...
Disorders of adult personality and behaviour???Mental retardation???Disorders of psychological development???Behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence???Unspecified mental disorder??Chapter VMental and behaviouraldisorders(F00-F99)Incl.:disorders of ...
This may usually be done with regard to the particular drug, or type of drug, 2 causing the presenting disorder. When in doubt, code the drug or type of drug most frequently misused, particularly in those cases involving continuous or daily use. Only in cases in which patterns of ...
ICD-10Version:2010 Certaininfectiousandparasiticdiseases Neoplasms Diseasesofthebloodandblood-formingorgansandcertain disordersinvolvingtheimmunemechanism Endocrine,nutritionalandmetabolicdiseases Mentalandbehaviouraldisorders Diseasesofthenervoussystem Diseasesoftheeyeandadnexa ...