On October 1, 2014, a new version of diagnosis coding -- the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM)[1]-- goes into effect. A significant change for ophthalmology is a chapter (chapter 7) devoted solely to diseases of the eye and adnexa. I...
Whereas ICD-9 has one code for an insect bite, ICD-10 requires specificity in clinical documentation. This turns one code for insect bite into 180, making translation tools a risky and time-consuming endeavor. Learn more Your Old Habits Die Hard ...
ICD-10 for pediatric ophthalmologydoi:10.1016/j.jaapos.2014.07.130Cottle, Elizabeth D.Gold, Robert S.elsevierJournal of Aapos
“We’ve made it easy for doctors and staff with our intuitive embedded ICD-10 Selection Tool that provides dynamic search capabilities for both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes, and unifies the code selection process,” said Nitin Rai, President and CEO of First Insight Corpora...