1. An ICD 10 Code: If this is all your solution provides, then you need to look at other alternatives. An ICD 10 coding solution should improve your Oasis accuracy, give you useful data in terms of education and documentation, and help increase the dollars you receive for the care you ...
Home » Coding FAQ MEDICAL CODING FAQ & ANSWERS Q: What exactly is medical coding? A: Every service (test, office visit, injection, surgical procedure, etc.) in the provision of medical care has a numeric code associated with it (ICD and CPT codes) designed to provide some commonality ...
Please see> ICD-10, P4 The Department of Health and Hu- man Services has issued a final rule on HIPAA electronic standards that would replace ICD-9 code sets with the greatly expanded ICD-10 code sets for claims, remittance advice, eligibility inquiries, refer- ral authorizations, and other...
II. DIARRHEA CAUSED BY ENTEROTOXIGENIC STRAINS ICD-9 008.0; ICD-10 A04.1 (ETEC) 1. Identification--A major cause of travelers' diarrhea in people from industrialized countries who visit less developed countries, this bacterial disease is also an important cause of dehydrating diarrhea in infants ...