”“S,” used in conjunction with the numerals “8” and “6,” indicates that the diagnosis falls into the category of “Injury of muscle, fascia and tendon at lower leg.” As mentioned above, a three-character category can stand alone as a code as long as there is no further ...
ofinjuries relatedtosinglebodyregionsandtheT-sectiontocoverinjuriesto multipleorunspecifiedbodyregionsaswellaspoisoningandcertain otherconsequencesofexternalcauses. 本章使用S代码於单一身体区域各种形式伤害的编号; T代码则涵盖多处或未明示的身体部位伤害以及中毒 和外来原因的其他特定影响 Wheremultiplesitesofinjury...
ICD-10 is already in use in the United States for coding fatal injuries, but the clinical modification has not been finalized and approved yet. The number of injury descriptors in the ICD-10-CM is large and allows precise location of injuries, in particular of interest to researchers in ...