ICD-10 Version:2010?Certain infectious and parasitic diseases???Neoplasms???Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism???Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases???Mental and behavioural disorders???Diseases of the nervous system???Diseases...
【Keywords】 acutemyocardialinfarction;diagnosis;theinternationalclassificationofdiseases;ICD-10code 国际疾病分类是国际公认的卫生信息标准分 类,是由世界卫生组织制定的、以病因为主的多轴心分类方法,为目前国际上统一使用。《国际疾病分类第十次修订本(ICD-10)》于1989年被国际疾病分类第十次国际修订会议批准,1993年1...
There are a number of very important departures from the ICD-10, which are consistent with recent literature and follow, in spirit, the changes from the DSM-IV to the DSM-5 [5]. First, the ICD-10 does not have a specific grouping for neurodevelopmental disorders and uses slightly different...
28. Manic episode 29. Bipolar affective disorder 30. Depressive episode 31. Recurrent depressive disorder 32. Persistent mood (affective) disorders 33. Other mood (affective) disorders 34. Unspecified mood (affective) disorder E. Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders ...