middle (162.4), and lower lobes (162.5) of the lung, as well as a code for an “unspecified” site (162.9). If you diagnose asmall cell carcinomain an FNA specimen of an upper lobe lesion, use 162.3, not 162.9. You already know from...
10 Understandhowthisupdatewillimpactthebillingandcodingcommunity Learnwhencodeswillbedeployedtothefield * UpdateOverview Changesfor2012inICD-9-CMincludetheseareas: InfectiousDiseases Neoplasms HemolyticAnemias NervousSystem DisordersoftheEye CirculatorySystem RespiratoryandCardiopulmonary ComplicationsforBariatricSurgery ...
The side of amputation and/or ulcer is designated: on the right—r and on the left—l. When a trophic defect heals, the code does not specify the depth of the lesion and its localisation. 2.6. Statistical Methods of the Study Statistical data processing was performed using SPSS statistical...