摘要 自身免疫性肝病是与自身免疫反应密切相关的一种原因不明的肝实质损害性疾病。它包括自身免疫性肝炎、原发性胆汁性肝硬化、原发性硬化性胆管炎。它们分别有各自的准确命名和ICD-10的编码。重叠综合征指同时具有其中两种疾病的临床和病理表现。但是自身免疫性肝病和自身免疫性重叠综合征在ICD-10中无...
[controlled dependence] .23 Currently abstinent, but receiving treatment with aversive or blocking drugs .24 Currently using the substance [active dependence] .25 Continuous use .26 Episodic use [dipsomania] F1x .3 Withdrawal state .30 Uncomplicated .31 With convulsions F1x.4 Withdrawal state ...
[controlled dependence] .23 Currently abstinent, but receiving treatment with aversive or blocking drugs .24 Currently using the substance [active dependence] .25 Continuous use .26 Episodic use [dipsomania] Withdrawal state .30 Uncomplicated .31 With convulsions Withdrawal state with delirium F1x....
The effect, such as tachycardia, delirium, gastrointestinal hemorrhaging, vomiting, hypokalemia, hepatitis, renal failure, or respiratory failure, is coded and followed by the appropriate code from the E930-E949 series. Adverse effects of therapeutic substances correctly prescribed and properly ...