Codes for special purposes???Mental and behavioural disorders???Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders???Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use???Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders???Mood [affective] disorders???Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform ...
中毒或其他外因影响後所造成的後遗 症 ThechapterusestheS-sectionforcodingdifferenttypesofinjuries relatedtosinglebodyregionsandtheT-sectiontocoverinjuriesto multipleorunspecifiedbodyregionsaswellaspoisoningandcertain otherconsequencesofexternalcauses. 本章使用S代码於单一身体区域各种形式伤害的编号; T代码则涵盖多处...
5 861.01 heart contusion-closed 6. 6 386.01 actv meniere,cochlvestib 7. 7 705 disorders of sweat gland* 8. 8 V53.32 ftng autmtc dfibrillator 9. 9 202.00 ndlr lym unsp xtrndl org 10. 10 464.11 ac tracheitis w obstruct icd9[p] generate, description does not preserve the sort ...