The reason for the disagreement may be that the previous review analyzed persistent pain, which may lead to more emotional or other functional impairments over time that have an impact on cognitive decline, thus reducing the impact of pain itself on cognition, until the relationship is no longer...
As internet-based and clinical field trials have demonstrated for psychotic disorders, diagnostic reliabilities for the ICD-11 compared to the ICD-10 have markedly improved for most of the diagnostic categories in this section [31]. Improvements have also been shown for judgments on the ease of u...
(BMI) were evaluated by interview to confirm their eating disorder diagnoses. All participants completed self-report assessments of current symptoms and mental HRQoL. The majority of participants in either diagnostic scheme were included in the main categories of BN or BED (102/107, 95% in the ...
Introduction: Although research suggests that exercise benefits mental health, psychiatric disorders have been acknowledged in the ultra-endurance-athlete population. At present, the mental-health consequences of high-volume training associated with ultr
nutrients Article An Investigation of the Clinical Utility of the Proposed ICD-11 and DSM-5 Diagnostic Schemes for Eating Disorders Characterized by Recurrent Binge Eating in People with a High BMI Marly Amorim Palavras 1,2 , Phillipa Hay 2 and Angélica Claudino 1,* 1 Eating Disorders Program...