ICD-10-CM快速参考代码指南2018更新说明书 All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc....
I48.1- Persistent atrial fibrillation: This code is used for AF lasting more than seven days. I48.2- Chronic atrial fibrillation: This code describes continuous and ongoing AF over a long period. I48.91- Unspecified atrial fibrillation: This is used when the type of AF is not specified in...
中毒或其他外因影响後所造成的後遗 症 ThechapterusestheS-sectionforcodingdifferenttypesofinjuries relatedtosinglebodyregionsandtheT-sectiontocoverinjuriesto multipleorunspecifiedbodyregionsaswellaspoisoningandcertain otherconsequencesofexternalcauses. 本章使用S代码於单一身体区域各种形式伤害的编号; T代码则涵盖多处...
As the mode of harm remains unclear, an unspecified residual category is applied to complete the three-part model. For comparison, the information on this case coded in a far more limited way in ICD-10 [10] is presented: I71.4 Abdominal aortic aneurysm, without mention of rupture. I11.0 ...
A separate code for fumigants is not available in ICD-10, and fumigant-related deaths after 1998 are likely placed in the “other and unspecified” category. View chapterPurchase book Read full chapter URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780123743671000616 The Predictive ...
ICD9CODESFORForcodesCodesforICDIcdicd 系统标签: icdmedicarecodesunspecinfarctionckd 282.5SickleCellTrait410.30MyocardialInfarction,acute,438.21Hemiplegia,Dominant 282.60SickleCellAnemia,unspecinferoposterior(to8wks)438.22Hemiplegia,Non-dom 282.9Anemia,hemolytic410.40MyocardialInfarction,acute,inferior438.30Monoplegia...