4.1.2 肇始死因Underlying Cause of Death 第六屆以十年為期的國際修訂研討會(6th Decennial International Revision Conference)中,與會者均一致同意死因的基本表列應該標示出死亡的肇始死因。 站在死亡預防的立場,肇始病因鏈(chains of events;即病況事件串聯之致死過程)中的某個環節必須要加以切入打破或是切入某...
“ICD-10 is the major international classification of health and disease – approved by WHO’s 192 Member States at the World Health Assembly and updated by the WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC) network. ICD-10 has become the standard international diagnostic classification for ...
Another study [20] combined three coding systems into a single superior system to improve the performance of automated ICD-9-CM codes in clin- ical reports. In [12, 21, 22], ICD-10 coding of death cer- tificates has already been addressed by automation. In [23] semi-automatic ...
classificationsystemdeveloped collaborativelybetweentheWorldHealth Organization(WHO)and10Internationalcenters sothatthemedicaltermsreportedbyphysicians, medicalexaminers,andcoronersondeathcertifi- catescanbegroupedtogetherforstatisticalpur- poses.TheUnitedStatesisrequiredtousethe ICDfortheclassificationofdiseasesandinjuries ...
A classification of diseases and related things is essential for such measurement. For more than a century, the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) has been the main basis for comparable statistics on causes of death and non-fatal disease [1, 2]. The 10th revision (ICD-10) was ...
The ten symptoms are depressed mood, markedly diminished interest or pleasure in activities, reduced ability to concentrate and sustain attention or marked indecisiveness, beliefs of low self-worth or excessive or inappropriate guilt, hopelessness about the future, recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal...
There are few truer snapshots of a country’s wellbeing than its health statistics. While broad economic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product may skew impressions of individual prosperity, data on disease and death reveal how a population is truly faring. ...
Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) have traditionally been used in patients who survived, or have a high risk of experiencing, a sudden cardiac death event. More recently, indications have been expanded to include patients who have had asymptomatic nonsustained ventricular tachycardia, for ...
The receptor for neurotrophins p75NTR has been shown to be highly expressed in cancer stem cells (CSCs) of squamous epithelia, in LSCC as well as in other cancers. However, whether its cleavage product p75ICD expression, known to finely regulate the survival/death balance in neurons, is also...
and other stressful events compared to the Lithuanian sample. In turn, Lithuanians have experienced more school change, moving to another country, one or both parents/foster parents moving to live in another country, death of a close family member, illness of a close family member, the birth ...