ICD-10 codes, simple and fast search using natural language diagnosis as input for finding ICD-10 codes. Complete list of ICD-10 CM codes by index including additional information, exculude types 1 and 2, and 7th code description.. Search for ICD-10 CM c
A - Z Code Index Look up ICD-10 diagnosis terms in the Alpha Index listing just as you would in the official ICD-10 manual. Once you find a term, you can click the resulting code for more specific coding information. View »
疾病分類 ICD-10-CM / PCSTechnology Acceptance ModelClassification Of DiseasesICD-10-CM / PCS資訊系統可提供醫師及相關醫事人員檢索,查詢,作為臨床辕煛⒔虒W,研究及統計分析之用;疾病分類編碼資料也是醫療機構申報病患保險給付的重要依據;另疾病分類統計資料,除可作為醫療機構及衛生主管機關施政及決策參考外,更可...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含which of the following is a valid icd-10-cm from the tabular list of diseases and injuries、A patient has a diagnosis of an open fracture of ankle. which of the following is the best term with which to start the search in the index
ICD-10 CM(International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification)是由世界卫生组织(WHO)制定的国际疾病分类和统计标准。它是一种用于记录、报告和分析疾病的国际标准化系统,广泛应用于全球各地的疾病监测、流行病学研究、医疗保险和政策制定等领域。 ICD-10 CM包括了11个章节,涵盖了从新生儿...
*: '''排除:''' 伴出血的咳嗽 ([[#R04.2|R04.2]] ) 心因性咳嗽 ([[ICD-10/F40-F48:神经症性、应激性和躯体形式障碍#F45.3|F45.3]] ) - *# R09.0'''[[窒息]]'''排除: 窒息(由于): .生产 (P21.-) .一氧化碳 (T58 ) .异物进入呼吸道 (T17.-) .[[...
ICD-10目錄 疝氣 (K40-K46)K40 腹股溝疝 包括: 腹股溝突出 腹股溝疝氣: .NOS .直疝 .雙腹股溝疝 .斜疝(indirect) .斜疝(oblique) 陰囊疝 K40.0 伴有梗阻的雙側腹股溝疝氣,沒有壞疽 K40.1 伴有壞疽的雙側腹股溝疝氣 K40.2 沒有梗阻或壞疽的雙側腹股溝疝氣 雙側腹股溝疝氣 NOS K...
To evaluate the performance of the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) in the prediction of mortality, 30-day readmission, and length of stay (LOS) in a hip fracture population using algorithms designed for use in International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10)–coded administrative ...
ICD-10 Volume 3|Alphabetical Index5th Edition 2016 [PDF] Note that ICD does not classify, code or index the composite terms“Myalgic encephalomyelitis/Chronic fatigue syndrome”;“Chronic fatigue syndrome/Myalgic encephalomyelitis”;“ME/CFS” or “CFS/ME”. ...