595.2N30.21Other chronic cystitis with hematuria 595.2N30.20Other chronic cystitis without hematuria 646.83O29.8X1Other complications of anesthesia during pregnancy- first trimester 646.83O29.8X2Other complications of anesthesia during pregnancy- second trimester 646.83O29.8X3Other complications of anesthesia dur...
It has been argued for many years that chronic or repeated trauma leads to a more severe form of PTSD. The ICD-10 contained a partly overlapping predecessor diagnosis of ‘enduring personality change after catastrophic experiences’, which had very rarely been used in clinical practice and research...
Workplace-related burnout, as defined in ICD-11, is a syndrome arising from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. Burnout is characterized by three features, including (a) feeling depleted of energy and exhausted, (b) diminishing commitment to, or involvement with one...
二、當某一病患同時接受針對主要診斷之診斷性處置,及針對次要診斷之治療性處置,以針對次要診斷之治療性處置當主要處置 Ex:主要診斷:Chronic pyelonephritis 次要診斷:Recurrent inguinal hernia,direct 處置:Retrograde pyelogram Right inguinal herniorrhaphy 以治療”inguinal hernia”之處置, “ herniorrhaphy”為主要處置。
Wound botulism has been reported among chronic drug abusers (primarily in dermal abscesses from subcutaneous injection of heroin and also from sinusitis in cocaine "sniffers"). Intestinal botulism arises from ingestion of botulinum spores that then germinate in the colon, rather than by ingestion of...
Suo et al. [23] used convolutional neural networks to create a model to predict diabetes mellitus, obesity, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with accuracy up to 0.74. Cheng et al. [24] also used convolutional neural networks to establish a model to predict future recurrence of chronic...