L03.011 Cellulitis right finger L03.012 Cellulitis left finger Flexor Tendon Tenosynovitis M65.849 Flexor tendon sheath Irrigation and debridement 26020 CPT Coding M65.041 - Abscess of tendon sheath, right hand M65.841 Other synvitis and tenosynovitis, right hand ...
hand L02512 Cutaneous abscess of left hand L02611 Cutaneous abscess of right foot L02612 Cutaneous abscess of left foot L02811 Cutaneous abscess of head [any part, except face] L03011 Cellulitis of right finger L03012 Cellulitis of left finger L03031 Cellulitis of right toe L03032 ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 国际疾病分类法[ICD8].docx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 International Classification of Diseases (000) Cholera (001) Typhoid fever (002) Paratyphoid fever (003) Other Salmonella infections (004) Bacillary dysentery (005) Food...
(Tear film insufficiency) 淚液薄膜不足 375.15 375.20 Epiphora 淚溢 375.20 375.32 Acute dacryocystitis 急性淚囊炎 375.32 375.55 Obstruction of nasolacrimal duct, neonatal 新生兒鼻淚管阻塞 375.55 375.56 Stenosis of nasolacrimal duct, aquired 後天性鼻淚管狹窄 375.56 376.01 Orbital cellulitis 眼窩蜂窩組織...
nasolacrml obst 37556 Acq nasolacrml stenosis 37557 Dacryolith 37561 Lacrimal fistula 37569 Lacrim passge change NEC 37581 Lacrim passage granuloma 37589 Lacrimal syst dis NEC 3759 Lacrimal syst dis NOS 37600 Acute inflam NOS, orbit 37601 Orbital cellulitis 37602 Orbital periostitis 37603 ...
(Tear film insufficiency) 淚液薄膜不足 375.15 375.20 Epiphora 淚溢 375.20 375.32 Acute dacryocystitis 急性淚囊炎 375.32 375.55 Obstruction of nasolacrimal duct, neonatal 新生兒鼻淚管阻塞 375.55 375.56 Stenosis of nasolacrimal duct, aquired 後天性鼻淚管狹窄 375.56 376.01 Orbital cellulitis 眼窩蜂窩組織...
(Tear film insufficiency) 淚液薄膜不足 375.15 375.20 Epiphora 淚溢 375.20 375.32 Acute dacryocystitis 急性淚囊炎 375.32 375.55 Obstruction of nasolacrimal duct, neonatal 新生兒鼻淚管阻塞 375.55 375.56 Stenosis of nasolacrimal duct, aquired 後天性鼻淚管狹窄 375.56 376.01 Orbital cellulitis 眼窩蜂窩組織...