Other major changes include the fact that the eight different pervasive developmental disorders in the ICD-10, including childhood autism, atypical autism and Asperger syndrome, have disappeared entirely and are now grouped together under one category, namely ASD. This is a notable change that still ...
10 The prevalence rates for BMI ≥25 and ≥ 30 kg/m2 are in the range of 50%–60% and 20%–30% in Western countries.8 It is thus clearly debatable if more than 50% of peoples of different countries should be labeled as having an excessive body size or a disorder as such, in ...
Because of their individual rarity, genetic diseases and other types of rare diseases are under-represented in healthcare coding systems; this contributes to a lack of ascertainment and recognition of their importance for healthcare planning and resource allocation, and prevents clinical research from ...
Because of their individual rarity, genetic diseases and other types of rare diseases are under-represented in healthcare coding systems; this contributes to a lack of ascertainment and recognition of their importance for healthcare planning and resource allocation, and prevents clinical research from ...
On this basis, they found 7.4 % of cases (all male) did not have suitable sensing vectors in the lying and standing position, the main factors responsible for ECG screening failure being hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, increased BMI, a broad QRS, and an R:T ratio of <3 in the ECG lead ...
根据患者实际心律失常情况进行VT/VF区参数设置术后一个月随访无感染无事件,系统参数正常第二个病例介绍术前:男性,62岁,BMI 30.7,桶状胸缺血性心脏病,经皮冠状动脉支架置入术后ECG:频发室早UCG: LVEDD 67mm, LVEF 35%ECG筛选成功术中使用三切口方法放置除颤器及电极导线DFT诱发成功,65J终止室颤术后VT/VF双区...
(BMI) were evaluated by interview to confirm their eating disorder diagnoses. All participants completed self-report assessments of current symptoms and mental HRQoL. The majority of participants in either diagnostic scheme were included in the main categories of BN or BED (102/107, 95% in the ...
Introduction: Although research suggests that exercise benefits mental health, psychiatric disorders have been acknowledged in the ultra-endurance-athlete population. At present, the mental-health consequences of high-volume training associated with ultr
Over the past 20 years, the 10th revision of the ICD (ICD-10) has been widely utilized in classifying healthcare information. The 11th revision of the ICD (ICD-11) was formally released on 18 June 2018 for testing and implementation, in accordance with specific timelines and requirements of...
A large minority were married (44%), and completed an under-graduate level of education (43%). The mean age was 40.07 years (SD 11.67), and mean BMI was 33.69 (SD 3.32). The sample included 50 (47%) participants with twice weekly Objective Binge Eating Episodes (OBEs) and 36 (34%...