All the subdivisions of this category should be used only for a single episode. Hypomanic or manic episodes in individuals who have had one or more previous affective episodes (depressive, hypomanic, manic, or mixed) should be coded as bipolar affective disorder (F31.-). Incl.: bipolar diso...
双相情感障碍(bipolar disorder)是一种精神疾病,患者在情感和心境上经历 两种极端的状态:抑郁期和 Manic 期。国际上常用的双相情感障碍诊断标准是 美国精神疾病诊断与统计手册(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5) 和世界卫生组织国际疾病分类(International Classification of Diseases, ICD-10...
icd-10精神疾病编码 5848584958505851585258535854585558565857585858595860586158625863586458655866 5867 5868 5869 F01-F99F01-F09F01F01.051F01.151F01.251F01.351F01.851F01.901F01.902F03F03.X01F03.X02F03.X03F03.X04F03.X06F03.X07F03.X51F03.X52 F04 F04.X51 F05 精神和行为障碍器质性精神障碍血管性...
F31.1 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode manic without psychotic symptoms F31.2 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode manic with psychotic symptoms .20 With mood congruent psychotic symptoms .21 With mood incongruent psychotic symptoms F31.3 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mild or...
1.1 资料来源 运用军卫一号病案编目子系统病案检索功能,检索到该院2013-11至2014-10主要诊断编码为I21.-[急性心肌梗死(acutemyocardialin-farction,AMI)]的病历348份,资料真实可靠,均经实验室及其他检查(心电图、超声心动图、白细胞及心肌坏死标记物检查)确诊为心肌梗死。
icd-10编码精神病学 5848584958505851585258535854585558565857585858595860586158625863586458655866 5867 5868 5869 F01-F99F01-F09F01F01.051F01.151F01.251F01.351F01.851F01.901F01.902F03F03.X01F03.X02F03.X03F03.X04F03.X06F03.X07F03.X51F03.X52 F04 F04.X51 F05 精神和行为障碍器质性精神障碍血管性...
icd-10精神疾病编码.pdf,5848 F01-F99 精神和行为障碍 5849 F01-F09 器质性精神障碍 5850 F01 血管性痴呆 Vascular dementia 5851 F01.051 急性发作的血管性痴呆 5852 F01.151 多发脑梗死性痴呆 5853 F01.251 皮层下血管性痴呆 5854 F01.351 混合型皮层和皮层下血管性痴呆 5
disorder s 6037 F28.X01 更年期性精神病 6038 F28.X51 慢性幻觉性精神病 Unspecif ied 6039 F29 未特指的非器质性精神病 nonorgan ic psychosi s 6040 F29.X01 精神病 6041 F29.X02 精神错乱 6042 F30-F39 心境情感障碍 Manic 6043 F30 躁狂发作 episode 6044 F30.051 轻躁狂 6045 F30.151 躁狂不...