of lung -跗骨 任何骨 ◇-tarsus any bone ◇-附件 子宫 -adnexa uterine C57.4 D28.7 -附睾 -epididymis C63.0 D07.6 D29.3 -阜 -mons --阴阜 --pubis, veneris C51.9 -副鼻窦 - 见 肿瘤,窦 -accessory sinus - see Neoplasm, sinus -腹部,腹的 -abdomen, abdominal -intraepidermal epithelioma M...
unspecified not having achieved remission D0512 Intraductal carcinoma in situ of left breast D090 Carcinoma in situ of bladder D0919 Carcinoma in situ of other urinary organs D110 Benign neoplasm of parotid gland D119 Benign neoplasm of major salivary gland, unspecified D120 Benign neoplasm of cecum...
Top 200 ICD-10 Codes Sorted by Code ICD9 Code Description 042 HIV Disease 070.54 Hepatitis C Viral 174.9 Malignant Neoplasm breast,unspecified 183.0 Malignant Neoplasm Ovary 185 Malignant Neoplasm Prostate 203.00 Multiple Myeloma without remission 211.3 Benign Neoplasm Colon 216.9 Benign Neoplasm Skin, ...
2. Chapter 2: Neoplasms (140-239) General guidelines Chapter 2 of the ICD-9-CM contains the codes for most benign and all malignant neoplasms. Certain benign neoplasms, such as prostatic adenomas, may be found in the specific body system chapters. To properly code a neoplasm it is ...
2007 ICD9CM Updates Presented by Jo Ann Steigerwald Medical Business Specialists and Charlotte Price, RHIA, CCSP, CPC Th,人人文库,renrendoc.com
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 国际疾病分类法[ICD8].docx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 International Classification of Diseases (000) Cholera (001) Typhoid fever (002) Paratyphoid fever (003) Other Salmonella infections (004) Bacillary dysentery (005) Food...
2001年ICD-9-CM疾病码一览表.pdf,2001年ICD-9-CM疾病碼一覽表 ICD- 是否有效碼 英文名稱 code 001 N ● *Cholera 0010 Y Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae 0011 Y Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae el tor 0019 Y Cholera, unspecified 002 N ● *Typhoid and paratyphoid fev
Benign neoplasm lip 2101 Benign neoplasm tongue 2102 Ben neo major salivary 2103 Benign neo mouth floor 2104 Benign neo mouth NEC/NOS 2105 Benign neoplasm tonsil 2106 Benign neo oropharyn NEC 2107 Benign neo nasopharynx 2108 Benign neo hypopharynx 2109 Benign neo pharynx NOS 2110 Benign neo ...
of lung -跗骨 任何骨 ◇-tarsus any bone ◇-附件 子宫 -adnexa uterine C57.4 D28.7 -附睾 -epididymis C63.0 D07.6 D29.3 -阜 -mons --阴阜 --pubis, veneris C51.9 -副鼻窦 - 见 肿瘤,窦 -accessory sinus - see Neoplasm, sinus -腹部,腹的 -abdomen, abdominal -intraepidermal epithelioma M...
(212) Benign neoplasm of respiratory system (213) Benign neoplasm of bone and cartilage (214) Lipoma (215) Other benign neoplasm of muscular and connective tissue (216) Benign neoplasm of skin (217) Benign neoplasm of breast (218) Uterine fibroma (219) Other benign neoplasm of uterus (220)...