F31.7 Bipolar affective disorder, currently in remission F31.8 Other bipolar affective disorders F31.9 Bipolar affective disorder, unspecified F32 Depressive episode F32.0 Mild depressive episode .00 Without somatic syndrome .01 With somatic syndrome F32.1 Moderate depressive episode .10 Without somatic ...
The three-year course of alcohol use disorders in the general population: DSM-IV, ICD-10 and the Craving Withdrawal Model. Addiction. 2006; 101 :385–392.de Bruijn C, van den Brink W, de Graaf R, Vollebergh WA. The three year course of alcohol use disorders in the general population:...
ICD-10 Version:2010?Certain infectious and parasitic diseases???Neoplasms???Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism???Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases???Mental and behavioural disorders???Diseases of the nervous system???Diseases...
history of alcohol or drug dependence in remission for less than 12 months, and history of neurological disease or medical conditions that could impact the measurement of the constructs being assessed. In the whiteCAT cohort, history of alcohol or drug dependence was ruled ...
10/15 ICD10 Code ICD10 Desc B20 HIV Disease B18.2 Chronic viral hepatitis c C50.919 Malignant neoplasm of unsp site of unspecified female breast C56.9 Malignant neoplasm of unspecified ovary C61 Malignant neoplasm of prostate C90.00 Multiple myeloma not having achieved remission D12.6 Benign ...
remission 20302 Mult myeloma in relapse 20310 Pls cl leu w/o achv rmsn 20311 Plsm cell leuk w rmson Page 10 of 78 ICD-9 Diagnosis Codes Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 20312 Plsm cel leuk in relapse 20380 Oth imno npl wo ach rmsn 20381 Oth imnprfl npl w rmsn ...