ICD-10-CM快速参考代码指南2018更新说明书 All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc....
Cellulitisandabscessofmouth 口腔蜂窝组织炎及脓疡 牙科 528.6 K1321 Leukoplakiaoforalmucosa,includingtongue 口腔黏膜白斑症,包括舌部 牙科 528.6 K133 Hairyleukoplakia 毛状白斑 牙科 682.0 K122 Cellulitisandabscessofmouth 口腔蜂窝组织炎及脓疡 牙科
10 code骨科ICD-10编码(国外英文资料)骨科ICD-10编码(国外英文资料)The orthopaedic ICD - 10 code87.211myelography86.601Free skin transplantation92.141Bone scan86.611Full-thickness skin grafts93.211Technique and mechanical traction86.621Han樱焕壕谤员樟体妖铬宋抓涩谩那租哭浸垒毒暇娟陡噶了稽碌日羽腊腋汹毡...
Add: C441391 Sebaceous cell carcinoma of skin of left upper eyelid, including canthus Add: C441392 Sebaceous cell carcinoma of skin of left lower eyelid, including canthus Add: C441921 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of right upper eyelid, including canthus Add: C441922 Other spe...
Cutaneous abscess of limb, unspecified 未明示肢体皮肤脓疡 外科 682.6 L03115 Cellulitis of right lower limb 右侧下肢蜂窝组织炎 外科 682.6 L03116 Cellulitis of left lower limb 左侧下肢蜂窝组织炎 外科 682.6 L03119 Cellulitis of unspecified part of limb 肢体未明示部位蜂窝组织炎 外科 682.6 L03125 Acu...
648.93O99.713Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue complicating pregnancy- third trimester 259.9E30.9Disorder of puberty- unspecified E81.20V74.5XXADriver of bus injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus in traffic accident- initial encounter E92.90V74.5XXSDriver of bus injured in...
L03.211 Cellulitis of face K12.2 Cellulitis and abscess of mouth Cellulitis of mouth (floor) Submandibular abscess Cellulitis Body part是否可歸類在 5 Lower Jaw Incision Drainage 此病歷書寫方式較不明確,ID不會是在bone的位置,應該會是在軟組織,請依照手術內容編碼! 問題: 1.出院病歷摘要及手術紀錄之...
5、f face脸部急性淋巴管炎口腔颚面外科682.1L0211Cutaneous abscess of neck颈部皮肤脓疡口腔颚面外科682.1L03221Cellulitis of neck颈部蜂窝组织炎口腔颚面外科682.1L03222Acute lymphangitis of neck颈部急性淋巴管炎口腔颚面外科802.20 S02609AFracture of mandible, unspecified, initial encounter for closed fractur...
The primary lesions of HS/AI are inflammatory nodules, abscesses, and draining tunnels predominantly at predilection sites (axillary, submammary, inguinal, genital, and perineal). Recurrences in the last 6 months with at least 2 lesions at the sites of predilection indicate HS/AI. Although these...
The second clinical record from the department of General Clinical Surgery and Digestive Apparatus describes a 53-year-old man who presented with pain, no fever and swelling of the perianal area that is identified by the clinician as an abscess. The blood test revealed a high level of leukocyte...