Unspecified G50.0 Trigeminal Neuralgia G51.0 Bell's Palsy G51.8 Other Disorders Of Facial Nerve G60.0 Hereditary Motor And Sensory Neuropathy G60.1 Refsum's Disease ICD-10 Code Diagnoses G60.8 Other Hereditary And Idiopathic Neuropathies G60.9 Hereditary And Idiopathic Neuropathy, U...
请选择ICD-11ICD-10 搜索 显示全部 显示 疾病编码附加编码疾病名称疾病名称(英文)临床诊疗指南 1A10葡萄球菌食物中毒Foodborne staphylococcal intoxication查看 1A36.10阿米巴肝脓肿Amoebic liver abscess查看 1B10呼吸系统结核病Tuberculosis of the respiratory system查看 ...
abscess K6819 Other retroperitoneal abscess K7030 Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver without ascites K7031 Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver with ascites K7040 Alcoholic hepatic failure without coma K709 Alcoholic liver disease, unspecified ICD10 Diagnosis 2016 K7110 Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis, ...
abscess (502) Chronic pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis (503) Chronic sinusitis (504) Deflected nasal septum (505) Nasal polyp (506) Chronic laryngitis (507) Hay fever (508) Other diseases of upper respiratory tract (510) Empyema (511) Pleurisy (512) Spontaneous pneumothorax (513) Abscess of ...
(in sputum) by microscopy 01334 Y Tuberculous abscess of brain, tubercle bacilli not found (in sputum) by microscopy, but found by Tuberculous abscess of brain, tubercle bacilli not found by bacteriological examination, but tuberculosis 01335 Y confirmed histologically Tuberculous abscess of brain, ...
abscess 38302 Ac mastoiditis-compl NEC 3831 Chronic mastoiditis 38320 Petrositis NOS 38321 Acute petrositis 38322 Chronic petrositis 38330 Postmastoid compl NOS 38331 Postmastoid mucosal cyst 38332 Postmastoid cholesteatma 38333 Postmastoid granulations 38381 Postauricular fistula 38389 Disorders of ...
请选择ICD-11ICD-10 搜索 显示全部 显示 疾病编码附加编码疾病名称疾病名称(英文)临床诊疗指南 1A10葡萄球菌食物中毒Foodborne staphylococcal intoxication查看 1A36.10阿米巴肝脓肿Amoebic liver abscess查看 1B10呼吸系统结核病Tuberculosis of the respiratory system查看 ...
1C10.2面颈部放线菌病Cervicofacial actinomycosis查看 1C10.3原发性皮肤放线菌病Primary cutaneous actinomycosis查看 1C10.Y其他特指形式的放线菌病Other specified forms of actinomycosis查看 1C10.Z放线菌病,未特指的Actinomycosis, unspecified查看 1C1G.10神经莱姆病Lyme neuroborreliosis查看 ...
脊髓炎 323.9 324.0 Intracranial abscess 顱內膿瘍 324.0 324.1 Intraspinal abscess 椎管內膿瘍 324.1 331.0 Alzheimers disease 阿茲海默病, 阿茲海默症 331.0 331.3 Communicating hydrocephalus 交通性水腦症 331.3 331.4 Non-communicating hydrocephalus 非交通性水腦症 331.4 331.9 Cerebral degeneration 大腦變性 331.9...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 国际疾病分类法[ICD8].docx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 International Classification of Diseases (000) Cholera (001) Typhoid fever (002) Paratyphoid fever (003) Other Salmonella infections (004) Bacillary dysentery (005) Food...