For L03.311, Cellulitis, abdominal wall. For B95.61, Staphylococcus, ascause of disease classified elsewhere, aureus. For C15.4, Neoplasm, esophagus, middle. Alldiagnoses are reported with status indicator Y (yes) as they were present at the time ofadmission. Z93.1 Presence of gastrostomy would...
Cellulitis of face L03221 Cellulitis of neck L03311 Cellulitis of abdominal wall L03312 Cellulitis of back [any part except buttock] L03313 Cellulitis of chest wall L03314 Cellulitis of groin L03315 Cellulitis of perineum L03317 Cellulitis of buttock L03319 Cellulitis of trunk, unspecified L03818...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 国际疾病分类法[ICD8].docx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 International Classification of Diseases (000) Cholera (001) Typhoid fever (002) Paratyphoid fever (003) Other Salmonella infections (004) Bacillary dysentery (005) Food...
orbit 37601 Orbital cellulitis 37602 Orbital periostitis 37603 Orbital osteomyelitis 37604 Orbital tenonitis 37610 Chr inflam NOS, orbit 37611 Orbital granuloma 37612 Orbital myositis 37613 Parasite infest, orbit 37621 Thyrotoxic exophthalmos 37622 Exophthalm ophthalmopleg 37630 Exophthalmos NOS...