awesome-listautonomous-drivingcvpriccvv2xiclrv2vv2ieccvmulti-agent-systempaper-listneuripscooperative-perceptioncorlcollaborative-perceptionmulti-agent-perception UpdatedDec 17, 2024 Jeff-sjtu/res-loglikelihood-regression Star424 Code Issues Pull requests ...
⚡ Updates and Todo List [2024.10.04] The TPAMI 2024 paper of our NVDS+ is presented inArxivandIEEE. [2024.10.02] The extensionNVDS+:Towards Efficient and Versatile Neural Stabilizer for Video Depth Estimationis accepted by TPAMI 2024!. ...
paper:EfficientViT: Multi-Scale Linear Attention for High-Resolution Dense 1、Multi-Scale Linear Attention 现有模型的局限性存在以下短处:计算成本高: 现有的高分辨率密集预测模型往往依赖于复杂的模型结构,例如 softmax 注意力机制、大卷积核等,这会导致计算成本高昂,难以...
CVPR提前了快一周就有accepted paper list了,ICCV为何至今还没有……最近内心十分忐忑,已经开始失眠了...
一个不得不承认的事实:vanilla transformeris near-perfect。目前来看,真正显著work的改动也就 1.Noam...
The root property takes a list of folders where the videos can be found, and it will search through all of them in order for a given video. Note that we resized the EPIC videos to 256px height for faster processing; you can use sample_scripts/ script for the same...
In this paper, we propose RLIPv2, a fast converging model that enables the scaling of relational pre-training to large-scale pseudo-labelled scene graph data. To enable fast scaling, RLIPv2 introduces Asymmetric Language-Image Fusion (ALIF), a mechanism that facilitates earlier and deeper gated ...
We provide the training and test code along with the trained weights and the dataset (train+test) used for XVFI. If you find this repository useful, please consider citing ourpaper. Examples of the VFI (x8 Multi-Frame Interpolation) results on X-TEST ...
The provided example weight file ("Gaussian_yolov3_BDD.weights") is not the weight file used in the paper, but newly trained weight for release code validation. Because this weight file is more accurate than the weight used in the paper, we provide this file in the repository. ...
Paper60.370.350.3 This implementation60.370.849.8 The LMDB dataset is available inBaiduYun(password:yrrj) orRuiKe(password: vmzr) Training 4 2080Ti GPUs are used in this implementation. Language-free (LF) process You can follow this implementation to train your own vision model. ...