9人が興味を持っています。出席者✭展示✭講演✭スケジュールとアジェンダ✭レビュー✭タイミング✭入場料を確認してください。2024年版の国際インダストリアルカンファレンスnovative Strategies in Intelligent Computing and Communication will be held at
M2M Communications in IoT Computer Security AI, IoT, Blockchain and its security Distributed firewalls-based data security Security implications of the quantum computing Cyber physical system and software defined network security Cloud/Edge Computing Integration of cloud/fog computing with blockchain Distrib...
https://www.academicx.org/ICC/2024/ The 10th Int'l Conference on Catalysis (ICC 2024) will be held during July 19-21, 2024 in Xi'an, China. The conference will cover issues on Catalysis Technology Innovation, Catalyst Design, Catalyst Preparation & Characterization, Electrocatalysis, Nanocatalys...
The 11thAnnual International Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics-2024 (ICGO-2024) Scientific Program of ICC-2024 Registration Time: 10:00-21:00, June 11, 2024 (Tuesday)Place: The Globe Foyer, 1F, Radisson Blu Beke Hotel, Budapest Opening Ceremony Time: 09:00-09:10, June 12, 2024 (Wedn...
会议全称:International Conference on Communications 录用率:2022年40.30% CCF分级:计算机网络C 截稿时间:2023/10/11 录用通知时间:2023/1/18 官网链接:icc2024.ieee-icc.org 征稿范围: TECHNICAL SYMPOSIA Original technical papers are sought in the following areas: Cognitive Radio & AI-Enabled Networks {CFP...
Check out who is attending ✭ exhibiting ✭ speaking ✭ schedule & agenda ✭ reviews ✭ timing ✭ entry ticket fees. 2024 edition of International Conference on Culture and History will be held at Seoul starting on 07th MarchこれはEカンファレ
These representatives, currently from 64 member countries, are generally appointed by nationally recognized corrosion societies or by national organizations with a significant interest in corrosion. This Committee acts for the Council between International Corrosion Congress meetings which are normally held ...
(National Tsing Hua University) Yuanwei Liu (Queen Mary University of London) Jie Xu (University of Science and Technology of China) GREEN COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS Shahid Mumtaz (Nottingham Trent University) Daniel K.C. So (The University of Manchester) IOT AND SENSOR NETWORKS Bomin ...
- About toICCNOI 2024- The theme of this conference can be described as keeping up with the pace of the times, closely surrounding the two core areas of communication networks and optoelectronic information. Here, experts and scholars will gather together to exchange the latest research results ...
2024年第八届国际文化和历史会议(ICCH 2024)即将召开!2024年第八届国际文化和历史会议(ICCH 2024)将于2024年7月25-27日在奥地利克雷姆斯举行。每一页历史都是一首未完的诗,每一缕文化都是一段待续的歌。ICCH 2024的召开,旨在超越时空,创新文化;聚全球文化精英,共探历史之谜,共绘文化之图。会议官网...