Building Code Masters ICC exam study guides and practice exams for all current building, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing code exams.
ICC has been split into different testing programs on our website. You will need to know the two or three digit exam code before you can register for your exam. Each testing program will require a unique username and password. View Program Information ...
For example, if you need to pass the ACI Level 1 Concrete Field Testing Technician exam, we haveACI test prep videosto prepare you for the test. These videos will help you practice on the ASTMs. For other aspects of construction inspection, check out ourarticles page. We've written about...
Your source for ICC Exam Study. Our workbooks contain practice questions and answers with references to the ICC building codes, study prep course to pass the ICC certification exams.
Your source for ICC Exam Study. Our workbooks contain practice questions and answers with references to the ICC building codes, study prep course to pass the ICC certification exams.
I just completed your structural steel and bolting course - nicely done by the way - and as I am currently a licensed professional engineer (civil, geotechnical, materials testing and construction inspection), I am not interested in taking the ICC exam. I took this course to refresh my struct...
The practical exam is an 8-hour in-person exam featuring four distinct scenarios, each 2 hours in length, that will test your abilities to make network decisions based on a (sometimes) long list of requirements, restrictions, and other parameters that can affect that decision. The exam is ad...
The practical exam is an 8-hour in-person exam featuring four distinct scenarios, each 2 hours in length, that will test your abilities to make network decisions based on a (sometimes) long list of requirements, restrictions, and other parameters that can affect that decision. The exam is ad...
The practical exam is an 8-hour in-person exam featuring four distinct scenarios, each 2 hours in length, that will test your abilities to make network decisions based on a (sometimes) long list of requirements, restrictions, and other parameters that can affect that decision. The exam is ad...