Book Review: ICC Arbitration in Practice (2nd Edition)Barrington, Louise
Global chair of the Reed Smith international arbitration practice Peter Rosher has been invited to moderate a panel session at the ICC-FIDIC Conference on International Construction Contracts and Dispute Resolution, Seoul, October 17–18, 2024. 地点名称: JW Marriott Hotel Seoul, 176 Sinbanpo-ro, S...
The 2021 ICC Rules also expand the circumstances in which consolidation of different pending arbitrations is possible without the consent of all parties. Absent an agreement by the parties, the ICC Court could previously consolidate arbitrations where the claims were made u...
ICC Advanced Arbitration Academy for Middle East This is a comprehensive and practice-oriented professional training program tailored for experienced arbitration practitioners who are interested in pursuing a career as an arbitrator. Developed by the ICC Institute of World Business Law and organized under ...
“additional” award on claims advanced in the arbitration that the tribunal omitted to decide in a final award (Article 36(3)). This expands on current ICC practice allowing such awards if permitted by the law of the seat and avoids the need for parties to in...
11. The Secretariat’s communication of 17 March 2020expressly requires that new requests for arbitration (including pertinent exhibits) and other initiating documents be filed with the Secretariat in electronic form. The Secretariat thereafter promptly liaises with the claimant parties to ascertain whether...
lated,withoutthepriorpermissioninwritingoftheSecretaryGeneraloftheICCInter- nationalCourtofArbitration. TheICCRulesofArbitrationandtheirAppendiceshavebeentranslatedintomanydif- ferentlanguages.However,theEnglishandFrenchversionsaretheonlyofficialtexts. Firsteditionpublished1997.Thispresentationproducedfromthesecondedition...
ICC makes policies in Arbitration and ADR Banking, Commercial Law and Practice, Competition Anti-corruption, Customs and Trade Facilitation, Digital Economy, Group on Economic Policy, Environment and Energy,Intellectual Property, Marketing and Advertising, Taxation, Trade and Investment Policy ...
Home » ICC International Court of ArbitrationICC International Court of ArbitrationGuinea fends off telecoms enforcement The West African Country has prevailed in a US court, which has refused to enforce a USD 22 million ICC arbitral award on the basis the state was not a party to the agreeme...