DML-ICC 2024 workshop aims to attract researchers from the machine learning community, especially the ones involved with distributed machine learning techniques, and researchers from the parallel/distributed computing communities. Together, these researchers will be able to build resource management mechanism...
elaborated on the challenges faced by scholars in publishing papers and the efforts he has made to address these challenges. He mentioned that he once held a workshop with colleagues in public administration in China, which...
Workshop链接:具体信息如下: Topics: Massive MIMO, mmWave and terahertz communications, and free space optics for ASNs; Advanced antenna design for ASNs; Channel measurement and modelling for ground-to-space, air-to-space, air-to-air, and space-to- space wireless link...
IoT and Cyber-physical systems. All these aspects have an impact on the machine learning processes that are performed in the cloud, however, it is not yet well understood how it manifests and how it could be taken into account. This workshop provides a forum to discuss these aspects and d...
ICC Workshop: How to compare multiple versions of plan. Speaker:Raphael Kempf +IBCS “Unify” rule:covers scenarios like Previous Period, Actual, Plan, and Forecast – but only one version each. +In practice:companies often need to compare one scenario with multiple versions (e.g., FC1–FC...
题主你投的是workshopWS06吗 WS06官网录取通知时间是3.6 我到现在也没有动静 也没到卡bug的状态 ...
ICCPS 2024 | Bruce MacDonald: The Rise and Role of China in Public Administration Research 6月15日上午,北卡罗莱纳州立大学布鲁斯·麦克唐纳教授进行了题为“中国在公共行政研究中的崛起与角色”的主旨发言,他在发言中以公共行...
The Infinite Creator Con 2024 review 本次无限创造者大会于2024年5月5日上午10点30分在吉隆坡GMBB艺术大厦1层GREY BOX正式开启,论坛120个席位早早预定一空,10点左右论坛门口就排起了长队,等待入场。 The Infinite Creator Con 2024 officially kicked off at 10:30 a.m. on May 5, 2024, at th...
cab3HotNetsACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks2024-06-272024-09-132024-11-18 DCITInternational Symposium on Dependable Computing and Internet of Things2015-07-152015-08-152015-11-16 ICDS''International Conference on Design Science2024-04-212024-06-282024-08-02 ...
ICC Article 115, Comic Book Workshop Afrofuturism, James... February 15, 2024ryanhowatt190 Alim R Sabir! Alim R Sabir is an independent comic creator... An Interview With Joe Ely Carrales III February 4, 2024ryanhowatt190 An Interview With Joe Ely Carrales III ...