🚗💨 BC省驾照翻译及温哥华ICBC笔试全攻略 🚗 驾照翻译 如果你在国内有驾照,想在加拿大开车,首先需要通过ICBC认证的机构或个人进行翻译。你可以在ICBC官网上找到这些认证机构。特别推荐一个在Richmond的翻译机构,地址是5811 Cooney Rd。这里翻译速度快,价格合理,只需$25。到达后左转,乘电梯上二楼,告诉前台你要找...
ICBC located in Metropolis at Metrotown 4700 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 4M1, Canada 278Stores ICBC located in Unicenter Avenida Paraná 3745, B1640FRE Martínez, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina 117Stores ICBC located in Lansdowne Centre 5300 No.3 Road, Richmond, British Columbia, V6X 2X9, ...
Valley Driving School's education department has prepared a wide variety of questions, much the same as you would experience during your official ICBC motorcycle knowledge test, to test your understanding of BC's road rules and regulations as a motorcycle rider. You can take our practice test ...
In a social media post, BC Liberals candidate for Richmond-Queensborough Jas Johal said that the NDP should have announced an ICBC rebate months ago. “Public and private insurers across North America returned money to drivers many months ago. The NDP holds on to the cash, calls an ...
中国驾照翻译:Richmond攻略中心 📜 首先,中国驾照的翻译件是必须的。很多人推荐Richmond攻略中心,我亲自试过,确实可以用。不过要注意,ICBC最近更新了认证翻译员的名单,你可以在Google上搜索“icbc approved translator list”来确认你的翻译员是否在名单上。 笔试预约:提前一周搞定 📅 笔试预约至少要提前一周在网上...
温哥华驾考全攻略:笔试篇 登陆加拿大一个月后,我顺利通过了驾考笔试,并在20天后一次性通过了Richmond的Landsdown考点路考。以下是我总结的一些经验,希望能帮到大家。 📚 笔试报名 首先,使用中国驾照报名笔试时,必须通过当地有资质的翻译公司。我是在COONEY的攻关中心完成的翻译,费用为10加元,当场领取。 📝 登记注意...
为方便大家,我们在列治文(Richmond), 温哥华市中心(Downtown Vancouver)和 本拿比(Burnaby)都有联盟诊所,可就近就医。 *** 什么条件可享受政府MSP针灸治疗补助? *** 从2017年开始,家庭年净收入在四万二加元以下者,均可向政府申请每人每年$230的MSP针灸治疗补助。具体详情及如何申请,请联系我们。也可在此下载表格,...
people planning the project, rather than me doing the engineering work. What I know is that the previous project was not without its environmental challenges, was not without its fisheries windows. And it wasn’t supported by Richmond, Vancouver or the majority of mayors in the Lower M...
people planning the project, rather than me doing the engineering work. What I know is that the previous project was not without its environmental challenges, was not without its fisheries windows. And it wasn’t supported by Richmond, Vancouver or the majority of mayors in the Lower Mainland....
people planning the project, rather than me doing the engineering work. What I know is that the previous project was not without its environmental challenges, was not without its fisheries windows. And it wasn’t supported by Richmond, Vancouver or the majority of mayors in the Lower Mainland...