A recent study shows that 5 out of 10 Canadians fail their ICBC driver knowledge test the first time they take it. The Driver Test App gives you the knowledge to pass the knowledge section of the driving test. Download and take the practice tests as much as you need to – until you’r...
Are you gearing up for your British Columbia ICBC knowledge test? Our comprehensive guide is your ultimate resource! Prepare for the 2024 ICBC test with our official study materials and genuine test questions. Master BC's road rules, signs, symbols, penalty system, and driving essentials with ov...
Get ready to pass your BC driving test with ease! Our comprehensive app is designed to help you study and practice for the British Columbia ICBC knowledge tests…
ICBC KNOWLEDGE TEST TUTORIAL TRAINING Learning to become a safe and confident driver means being able to use your knowledge of the road rules and regulations to keep yourself, your passengers, and others using the roadways safe. A tutorial session with a professional and experienced driving instruct...
搜索“icbc knowledge test”,往下拉找到紫色按钮“book now”,进去后选择中国驾照的选项,然后选35分钟的笔试时间就可以了。 刷题攻略:多管齐下 📚 刷题是准备笔试的关键。我试过几种不同的题集: 362题中文版:这个版本基本上覆盖了262题的内容,中文的看这个就足够了。只要你全部理解并记熟,考试应该能过,但...
After studying the ICBC Driving Commercial Vehicles manual, you can prepare for your upcoming knowledge test by taking a practice test. The practice test is great tool to prepare you for the written part of the Learners licence.Class 1 Practice Test...
You can use this application to practice answering the same multiple choice questions that may appear on the real driving exam, or simply test your knowledge about driving theories and be a smart driver. Keep practice makes perfect!* Please note the app doesn't mean to be a study guide for...
Prepare for your knowledge testGet your L: the knowledge testDriving as a learnerYour L sign and restrictionsRules for cellphone use Prepare for your knowledge test We have lots of resources to help you prepare. If you study and complete the practice tests, you should have a really good chan...
Drunk driving (24) refers to the driving under the influence of alcohol or driving while intoxicated which is determined by the transportation administrative department of the public security authority subject to the Law of the Road Traffic Safety that the alcoholicity of the driver...
People have always failed for driving 30 in a 50 zone. It can lead to road rage. Don on Playground Zones in British Columbia – Driver’s GuideSeptember 17, 2023 I think you are out of the situation of the ICBC road test nowadays. Without the speed limit sign below… Carmen Cohoe on...