司机在卑诗汽车保险 公司(ICBC)的”车主罚分加征费(Driver Penalty Point Premium, 简称 DPP)“中留下纪录,犯规次数越多累积分数越高,加征费就会 越多,累积金额过千过万元也不稀奇。更厉害的,是卑诗省“车主风 险加征费(Driver Risk Premium,简称 DRP)”。 自今年 3 月起,ICBC 将”驾车时使用电子产品(...
而且,现在有大约12000名司机在三年里面收到了多张分心驾驶罚单。 为了进一步打击分心驾驶行为,BC省府昨天宣布,打算在ICBC “司机风险附加费”(Driver Risk Premium)计划中,把分心驾驶列为高风险驾驶行为,等同于醉酒驾驶和严重超速。 这项新政策意味着 ,如果在三年的期限里,司机收到两张分心驾驶罚单,其司机风险的惩罚...
同时,省政府还宣布对多次分心驾驶的人员增加罚款。分心驾驶,在ICBC的“驾驶人风险费”(Driver Risk Premium)项目中属于高风险驾驶行为。在三年的时间里被罚两次分心驾驶的人,最高须缴罚款约2000元,比现行罚款额增加了740元。红绿灯监视摄像头也已经全天候开启,对事故多发路口也全天候进行监视。ICBC对分心驾驶的...
1. Driver Experience We’ve heard it before, a good driving record is important. Especially when determining insurance premium rates. If you have a year of good driving record, it will better your discounts available, up to 40 years. ...
Drunk driving (24) refers to the driving under the influence of alcohol or driving while intoxicated which is determined by the transportation administrative department of the public security authority subject to the Law of the Road Traffic Safety that the alcoholicity of the drive...
This one-time “financial charge” is not a fine, ICBC clarifies in a statement July 9. ICBC calls it the UDAP, or Unlisted Driver Accident Premium. Its rate varies depending how bad the undeclared driver’s accident record is, and can go as high as $5,000 added to basic insurance, ...