为此,个性化语音增强(Personalized Speech Enhancement, PSE)技术应运而生,该技术旨在根据目标说话人注册的语音片段作为先验,从带有干扰(包括噪声、干扰人声等)的语音中提取目标说话人的语音,因此该技术又称为目标说话人提取(Target Speaker Extraction)。由微软发起的深度噪声抑制(Deep Noise Suppression Challenge)竞赛已经...
Deep Speech Enhancement Challenge is the 5th edition of deep noise suppression (DNS) challenges organized at ICASSP 2023 Signal Processing Grand Challenges. DNS challenges were organized during 2019-2023 to stimulate research in deep speech enhancement (DSE) [1]. Previous DNS challenges were organized...
[1] H. Dubey, A. Aazami, V. Gopal, B. Naderi, S. Braun, R. Cutler, H. Gamper, M. Golestaneh, and R. Aichner, “Deep Speech Enhancement Challenge at ICASSP 2023,” in ICASSP, 2023. [2] B. Naderi and R. Cutler, “Subjective evaluation of noise suppression algorithms in crowdsou...
Then, i. develop a speech enhancement model that best meets the Contest Objective as described more fully atsignal_paperand ii. submit a ICASSP 2024 Grand Challenge paper viaMicrosoft Conference Management Toolkit(opens in new tab)(opens in new tab)which reports the computational complexi...
A major challenge is caused by unseen attacks empowered by advanced speech synthesis technologies. Our previous research on one-class learning has improved the generalization ability to unseen attacks by compacting the bona fide speech in the embedding space. However, such compactness lacks consideration...
The challenge has two tracks: (1) Headset (wired/wireless headphone, earbuds such as airpods etc.) speech enhancement; (2) non-headset (speakerphone, built-in mic in laptop/desktop/mobile phone/other meeting devices etc.) speech enhancement. Past challenges demonstrated that headset scenarios exh...
嘉宾简介:陈鋆,清华大学深圳国际研究生院计算机技术方向二年级硕士生,研究方向包括表现力语音合成、语音增强、说话人提取、语音修复与音乐生成。曾发表多篇ICASSP/InterSpeech论文,并获得ICASSP 2023 Speech Signal Improvement Challenge与ICASSP 2023 DNS Challenge冠军。
11925 3D CBCT CHALLENGE 2024: IMPROVED CONE BEAM CT RECONSTRUCTION USING SWINIR-BASED SINOGRAM AND IMAGE ENHANCEMENT 9987 3D Hand Joint and Grasping Estimation for Teleoperation System 1248 3-D Near-field Localization by Jointly Exploiting Spatial and Temporal Information Based on a Nonuniform Cross ...
Speech Enhancement; Dereverberation and RIR Estimation Segmentation 3D Generation Multimedia Forensics Speech Signal Improvement Challenge Audio Deep Packet Loss Concealment Grand Challenge Signal Processing Theory and Methods Journal Papers Multi-Sensor and Multichannel Signal Processing Array Processing...
在ICASSP 2023 AEC Challenge中,火山引擎 RTC 音频团队,在通用回声消除 (Non-personalized AEC) 与特定说话人回声消除 (Personalized AEC) 两个赛道上荣获冠军,并在双讲回声抑制,双讲近端语音保护、近端单讲背景噪声抑制、综合主观音频质量打分及最终语音识别准确率等多项指标上显著优于其他参赛队伍,达到国际领先水平...