我得到下面的编译错误: /opt/Xilinx/14.3/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/unisims/ICAP_SPARTAN6.v:79: syntax error /opt/Xilinx/14.3/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/unisims/ICAP_SPARTAN6.v:79: error: invalid module item. 相关代码行如下: tri (weak1, strong0) done_o = p_ 浏览6提问于2012-11-08...
如果你只是想检查Verilog文件的语法是否有错误,然后进行一些基本的时序仿真,那么Icarus Verilog 就是一个...
ppdogdyy:在windows上的快速verilog仿真工具——Icarus Verilog--安装篇31 赞同 · 7 评论文章 然而光说不练假把式,这篇文章介绍一下这个工具的使用。 1.设计代码 简单起见,用一个半加器来演示: 设计文件(adder.v) module adder( input ain , input bin , output sum , output carry ); assign {carry,su...
I am trying to compile with Icarus Verilog, but I am getting this error testbench.v:9: syntax error testbench.v:9: error: Incomprehensible for loop. I have looked through my code a few times and I believe I have the same exact lines the lecturer has and I am using the same compil...
The syntax of command files is rich enough that they can be used to document and control the assembly and compilation of large Verilog programs. It is not unusual to have command files that are hundreds of lines long, although judicious use of libraries can lead to very short command files ...