课件民航文件icao英文.pdf,International Standards Annex 2 to the Convention on Internailonat Civil viat ti on Rules of the Air T h h o Q M inuarporrtw dl rmsndlrnsnk dapasd by thsC a n e n M#to 24 Fabnrary2Ws and supersedes, on 24 November2005, all previo
ICAO_附件10_v5_2ed.pdf,k r ~ ~ r l ~ r c h and Recommended Practices Valuw V Aeronautical RadCo Frequency Spectrum Utillzatlon This edRlon meorpomks eU amendments adopted by theCornell prkr to13 M a dMI1 and mpemecb, on 1Nowrnber2W1, all prwburemlorn of