ICAO Annex 2 Rules of the Air The rules of the air shall apply to aircraft bearing the nationality and registration marks of a Contracting State, wherever they may be, to the extent that they do not conflict with the rules published by the State having jurisdiction over the territory overflow...
Annex 17 – Security: Safeguarding International Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference Annex 18 – The Safe Transport of dangerous Goods by Air Annex 19 – Safety Management (法语版) Annexe 1: Licences du personnel Annexe 2: Règles de l'air Annexe 3: Assistance météorologique à...
ICAO Annex附件版本更新 ICAOAnnexes版本更新情 附件代Annex号1附件英文名称 PersonnelLicensingAnnex2RulesoftheAirAnnex3MeteorologicalServiceforInternationalAirNavigationAnnex4AeronauticalChartsAnnex5UnitsofMeasurementtobeUsedinAirandGroundOperationsAnnex6OperationofAircraftPartIInternationalCommercialAirTransport–AeroplanesPart...
INTERNATIONAL STANDARDSRULES OF THE AIRANNEX 2TO THE CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATIONNINTH EDITION — JULY 1990This edition incorporates all amendments adopted by theCouncil prior to 13 March 1990 and supersedes, on 14 November 1991,all previous editions of Annex 2.For information regarding ...
Rules of the Air on 15 April 1948,pursuant to Article 37 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation(Chicago, 1944) and designated as Annex 2 to the Convention with the title “International Standards and Recommended Practices—Rules of the Air”.They became effective on 15 September 1948...
ICAOAnnex附件版本更新 附件代号 附件英⽂名称 Annex 1Personnel Licensing Annex 2Rules of the Air Annex 3Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation Annex 4Aeronautical Charts Annex 5Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operatio Annex 6Operation of Aircraft Part I International...
ICAO AN 2-2005附件2 空中规则 Annex 2 - Rules of the Air首页 标准 ICAO AN 2-2005 发布历史 ICAO AN 2-2005 发布历史ICAO AN 2-2005ICAO AN 2-2005 发布历史 ICAO AN 2-2005由IX-ICAO 发布于 2005-07-01。ICAO AN 2-2005在国际标准分类中归属于: 03.220.50 航空运输。ICAO AN 2-2005 附件 ...
附件2 空中规则;修正案 43, Annex 2 - Rules of the Air; Amendment 43, 提供ICAO AN 2 AMD 43-2012的发布时间、引用、替代关系、发布机构、适用范围等信息,也提供PDF预览(如果有PDF)以及下载地址(如果可以下载)。
航行服务程序(PANS, Procedures for Air Navigation Services)作为《附件》的延伸,由ICAO航行委员会根据专业航行会议的建议而制定的通用文件。如果说SARP是Annex所提供的建议,那么PANS是SARP的具体操作程序。 目前PANS一共有六个: PANS-ATM/Air Traffic Management,空中交通管理,ICAO第4444号文件(Doc 4444) ...