第53 次修订的封面 (AMENDMENT 53 TO ANNEX 4 ) 国际标准和建议措施 国际民用航空公约 附件4 航图 2001 年 7 月第十版 国 际 民 用 航 空 组 织 附件4 修订一览表 生效日期 适用日期 第十版 (收编了第1 至 52 次修订) 2001 年 7 月 16 日 2001 年 11 月 1 日 2002 年 11 月 28 日 第...
课件民航文件icao英文.pdf,International Standards Annex 2 to the Convention on Internailonat Civil viat ti on Rules of the Air T h h o Q M inuarporrtw dl rmsndlrnsnk dapasd by thsC a n e n M#to 24 Fabnrary2Ws and supersedes, on 24 November2005, all previo
MH370/01/15 MalaysianICAOAnnex13 SafetyInvestigationTeamforMH370 58of164 MinistryofTransport,Malaysia Malaysi[MYT]isUniversalTime(UTC)+8hoursAPPENDIX1.18G ICAOAirlineDesignatorforMalaysianAirlines:MAS DIRECTLINECOORDINATIONCOMMUNICATIONDIRECTLINECOORDINATIONCOMMUNICATION ...
ICAO DGP建议文件–扭曲有害物质指导操作说明书 Guidance Document Infectious Substances Note: 1. The following Guidance Document was developed by the ICAO DGP. The original ICAO document reflects references to the ICAO Technical Instructions these have been amended to reflect the references applicable to...
国际民航组织ICAO最新版附件10-第一卷英文.pdf,International Standards and Recommended Practices Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation Aeronautical Telecommunications Volume I Radio Navigation Aids Seventh Edition, July 2018 This editio
Annex 1Personnel Licensing Annex 2Rules of the Air Annex 3Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation Annex 4Aeronautical Charts Annex 5Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operatio Annex 6Operation of Aircraft Part I International Commercial Air Transport – Aeroplanes Part II...
havemusttodownloadIcaodoc8126aismanualpdficao-doc-8126-ais-manual.pdf,inthatcaseyoucomeonto therightsite.WehaveIcaodoc8126aismanualPDF,DjVu,txt,doc,ePubforms.Wewillbegladifyougetback usafresh. ais-introduction(classroom,3days)-iata-WhatisAIS?ICAOandAIS:Annex15AeronauticalInformation ...
参考民航文件icao英文.pdf,Aircraft Accident --id m.m-a-. edopbd bythe Coundl prkrto 27 Fekuery 2DD1 end supersedes. on 1Nwernber=I, d l prreuhm ecAtbnr dAnnex 13. For informationwardlnp theappliwblltty of Wanbards and Recammdeb Pradiar. seeChap 2 and theF
4 ICAO 7192 PART B- 5 VOL1-1985 5 ICAO 7192 PART B-5 VOL2-1985 6 ICAO 7192 PART D-1-2003 7 ICAO 7192 PART D-3-1998 8 ICAO 7192 PART E-1-1996 9 ICAO 7192 PART F-1-2002 10 ICAO 7231-2005 11 ICAO 7383-2006 12 ICAO 7474-2005 13 ICAO 7488-1993 14 ICAO 7515-2005 15 ...