ICAO Codes (four-letter airport codes) ICAO Codes play a bigger role in flight planning, airline timetables, reservations, baggage handling, and more. Proposed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), ICAO Codes are attributed to all the airports around the world. ...
to permit aircraft registered in the other contracting states and engaged in commercial nonscheduled flights to fly into their territory without prior diplomatic permission and, moreover, to pick up and discharge passengers, cargo, and mail, but in practice thisprovisionhas become a dead letter. ...
6、rchcriteniCurrentRecordsHistoricalRecordstATACod«:|ICAOCode:TUPUTAAccounting:IATAPr«ftxCode:AiriinaName:Country:Callsign:Submw'Re&etHaaseMlectal«ttertogotwitherlATAUCAOAirlinecodecb«9inningwrththatlatterCurrentRecordsHistofkaiRecordsSelect«letterforIATACodes:Selectle ...
In the tables below, I have stripped out codes for equipment that non-corporate GA aircraft usually don’t have. In particular, I’ve left out airline-style, military, satellite comm, obsolete, and rare equipment. I have also stripped out codes that require a FAA Letter of Authorization....
maincategory=113&subcategory=181&file=FPL2012%20WKS%20PAR%20PPT01%20Amdt%20Review%20Sept2011.pd f orareaiscontainedinthePerformance-BasedNavigationManual(Doc...specifiedinDoc7910,LocationIndicators,or...theICAOfour-letterlocationindicator... 1 http://.ulc.gov.pl/_download/prawo/prawo_miedzy...