President, ICAI added "ICAI as an Educator collaborate and work shoulder to shoulder with all the academic institutions/universities. He mentioned that ICAI's Proposed Scheme of Education and Training incorporates the significant features of the National Education Policy, 2020 through introducti...
Mouse over the Student menu. Then from drop down menu select “BoS Knowledge Portal”. However, you may directly click on Student menu and thereafter click on BoS Knowledge Portal. Step-3 (Foundation Course): Now, click on “CA Foundation Course” under heading New Scheme of Education and ...
the latest CA Final amendments and CA Final updates happened at least 6 months prior to the commencement of your CA Final Course examination. Accordingly, you may download the following resources provided by CA Institute on official website under Board of Studies (BoS) Knowledge Portal...
Select ‘Study Material Against Registration (New Course)’ if they have already registered with BOS and paid the registration fee. Else buy the books by clicking on ‘Study Material for Sale (All Course)’.Step 5: Select “Foundation” in the category filter box and then select the language...