private func failed(_ result: @escaping FlutterResult, error: Error) { private static func failure(_ result: @escaping FlutterResult, error: Error) { let err = error as NSError result(FlutterError(code: err.domain, message: err.userInfo.first?.value as? String ?? err.userInfo.description,...
Video Memory Management Internal: Hi Team, I have been suffering multiple BSOD's, mostly when either using Excel (360 version) or when trying to upload or attach pictures to my website. Video Memory Management Internal is the error message, I have the latest drivers for my Graphics Card. ...
(ns com.example (:use [] [])) (create-bucket "two-peas") ;; put object with server side encryption (put-object :bucket-name "two-peas" :key "foo" :metadata {:server-side-encryption "AES256"} :file upload-file) (copy-object bucket1 "key-...
alternate_shallow_file = NULL; if (get_pack(args, fd, pack_lockfile)) die("git fetch-pack: fetch failed."); all_done: return ref; } static void fetch_pack_config(void) { git_config_get_int("fetch.unpacklimit", &fetch_unpack_limit); ...
These individual elements themselves exhibit sub- wavelength sizes being smaller than the electromagnetic wavelength of the waves they affect.Arno SimonMichael JörgerBruker Optik GmbHEttlingenBruker Optics K.KArmin GembusShigeru Shimada
This paper reviews recent published examples of use of software to improve the cooling of various motor and generator designs. Details of the cooling system used are given in the form of thermal models to highlight ...
Use of this accurate modeling makes it possible to obtain the demanded signals for a very high precision analysis. The rotor of machine however is likely to be displaced from its original location and ...
The multiphysics analysis is focused on the main problems related to the drum roller operation: stator current variation when a random load level is present and heat extraction via the drum shell and conveyor belt.The thermal behavior of the in...
This branch is not ahead of the upstream mcohen01:master. No new commits yet. Enjoy your day! Open pull request Latest commit Git stats 692 commits Files Permalink Failed to load latest commit information. Type Name Latest commit message Commit time src test/amazonica/test ...
root:~# patator ssh_login host= user=FILE0 password=FILE1 0=word.txt 1=word.txt -x ignore:mesg='Authentication failed.' Using LD_PRELOAD to inject features to programs $ wget$ gcc -shared -fPIC ldpreload_shell.c -o ldpre...