IC410 Nebula with Tadpolesdsnope
IC410 is a large nebula (100 light years across) in the constellation Auriga energized by the bright cluster, NGC 1893, containing hot stars that push away gas, giving the appearance of a "hole", similar to the Rosette Nebula. It is only 12,000 light years away. The two objects at th...
I also had a great night here, so far. I started at the Rosette (Orion was getting behind a house) and the nebula was brighter than average (it framed in a very pretty way with my 30mm) so I traced the nearby nebulosity until the Christmas tree ...
Emission Nebula IC 410Education
Tadpoles Nebula IC410 NGC1893 Modified HST Palletemikotoy
Tadpoles IC410 and Flaming Star IC405 Nebula in Hamariobmd