集微网消息,据美国商务部产业与安全局(BIS)2月28日向众议院外交事务委员会提交的报告显示,在2022 财年期间,BIS出口管制执法办公室 (OEE) 的调查结果,共有9名涉及中国的个人和企业被定罪,总共监禁时长为152个月,涉及约185500美元的刑事罚款和约719927美元的赔偿。
14 Amides are enormously important compounds due to their applications in general organic synthesis and in the chemical industries. 15 N,N 0 -Alkylidene bisamide derivatives, for example, are used as structural subunits for the preparation of peptidomimetic frameworks. 16 Amides and bisamide ...
美联储之后直到2022年3月才进行加息,并一直将物价上涨视为“暂时现象”,反复重申就业复苏尚未完成。 金融服务委员会主席、阿肯色州共和党人弗伦奇·希尔上个月在启动该特别工作组时表示,“长期以来,我们目睹了太多分散注意力的‘任务’削弱了美联储的稳定物价的核心使命。” 希尔在最近的一次国会听证会上指责鲍威尔,...
Bis(cyclic carbonate)Thermal degradation kineticsNon-isocyanate polyurethanes (NIPUs) constitute one of the most prospective groups of eco-friendly materials based on their phosgene-free synthesis pathway. Moreover, one of the steps of their obtaining includes the use of carbon dioxide (CO2), which...
Bis-1,3-isophthalimines flanked by two side 3-aryl-5-perfluoroalkylisoxazoline or 3-aryl-5-perfluoroalkylisoxazol arms were produced and liquid crystal properties were analysed. Monotropic smectic A mesophase was found for bis-1,3-isophthalimines containing the 3-aryl-5-perfluorooctylisoxazoline (...