IC756破烂三。我喜欢的业余电台IC-756PRO3,俗称IC756破烂三,这个名字是我取的,现在全国的爱好者都知道这个名字。2007年在深圳的无线电比赛中,看到,当时看得流口水,现在有能力弄一个回来玩玩 - 中山市稳源电镀整流器 BD7IBB于20240907发布在抖音,已经收获了26个喜欢,
IC-756PRO3中文说明书(打印版) 操作手册 HF/50 MHz 全模式无线电收发信机 手册是参照IC-756PROIII的官方英文版手册编译,力求 准确反映原手册内容,手册保持了原英文版排版,涉及专 业及水平有限,失误和疏漏在所难免.手册旨在增加设备 交流,仅供参考此期间产生的一切设备问题概不负责,同 样未经许可您不能用于任何...
1. The IC-756Pro3 Fig.1: The IC-756Pro-series AGC subsystem. To prevent swamping (desensing by strong unwanted signals in the presence of the weak desired signal), the AGC derivation point must follow IF selectivity filtering. This is accomplished in the digital domain by placing the AGC...
The IC-756 Pro II spectrum scope display occupied the lower half of the screen. The IC-756Pro III provides a selectable mini-scope display mode. This allows simultaneous display of the filter, memory-keyer and other menus along with a half-size spectrum-scope display. 60...